Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Drinking Lots of Tea....

I haven't had much time to blog but the vacay so far can be summed up in three words: Best Vacation Ever.

The flight was amazingly easy (hooray for the empty seat next to me) - the only rough part was a funny (now anyway, it was pretty damned scary when it happened) run in with immigration.

And, of course, there was a lot of nervousness when Matt and I first met (although immigration really made me forget about being nervous about Matt for a few minutes) but by evening the nervousness was gone and it's been absolutely amazing ever since. He's absolutely wonderful - I'll leave it at that. :)

The first day we walked across the street to the cathedral - this is the close which I love:

On Monday we went to Bath to visit his sister, Ruth, who took us on a tour of the Roman baths amongst other things.

I've got loads of pictures but need to clean them up before posting them. Yesterday we went to Stourhead which was an amazing garden and today we went shopping in Winchester, Stockbridge and Oxford. Tomorrow - London and, finally, some yarn shops!

Not the most exciting post ever, sorry. I really need to sit down and write in my travel journal since I haven't even done that since I was on the plane, about to take off. Maybe after I make note of all the amazing things I've seen and done, I'll have a little bit more to say here. It's been wonderful so far, though. I could just say that over and over and over....


Bertha said...

I am SO happy you're having such a great time!

Dharma said...

Whew. I admit to be a bit nervous on a few account on your behalf about this trip. Now that I've heard from you a few times, I'm breathing easier.

gallen said...

It is good to see that you are having such a wonderful time. It is amazing to see all of the history in Europe. I loved Bath too and could not believe how warmt the water was! How about a picture of you and Matt :)

Mary Kay said...

i am so glad you are having a wonderful time.

Mistrmi said...

Just received a gorgeous postcard from you --- thanks for thinking of me in the midst of all your happiness!